Monday, March 16, 2009

Olivia's Pick--8 March 2009

It was a glorious, whopping 64 degrees here over the weekend, complete with warm rays of sunshine and gentle, caressing breezes. The temperate weather melted away the remaining snow to reveal small green shoots pushing their way up through the thawed earth. Glorious, I tell you!

And Olivia reveled in every minute of it.

"Is this spring, Mama?"

"Yes, sweet one, it sure feels like it."

"I love spring. It's my favorite."

So, in a kind of G-rated bacchanal, we exhausted ourselves yesterday morning, swinging, sliding, spinning our way over every inch of the playground at our beach. It was decadent, exhilarating and liberating.

Then, after returning home, emptying the sand from our shoes, and eating a delicious lunch, the smallest of us indulged in a post-bacchanal three hour nap.

Nothing like that fresh, spring air.

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