Sunday, January 25, 2009

Olivia's Pick--18 January 2009

It's a strange thing to admit, since I haven't made my home in this part of the country for well over a decade, but I think, based on the big tears she's crying this morning as we finish packing, Olivia's pick this week is Ohio.

I know. Weird, right?

But she's had so much fun here--despite the extremity-numbing cold--that I felt I needed to acknowledge it.

So, here's a very short, incomplete list of some noteworthy Ohio places, institutions or otherwise remarkable locations:

Toledo Museum of Art
Coastal Ohio--Lake Erie
OSU--The state's beloved university (and my baby brother's alma mater)
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame--Like Olivia says, "it's rock & roll, sweetheart!"
The Great Lakes Theater Festival

To be sure, Ohio is the butt of many of my jokes. So I'm taking my cue from Olivia this week, and employing a softer approach. I'm embracing my roots, appreciating my history. And I'm starting right away.

Well, as soon as I get back East, anyway.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Olivia's Pick--10 January 2009

Another mid-winter visit to the Midwest to play, bake, read and explore with her extended family is, as Olivia would say, "definitely" her favorite thing going this week. And cousins, well, they're the best of the best, especially when you're a kid. So this week, Olivia's Pick is her cousins and all of the fun time she gets to spend with them.

And I have no doubt she's having a blast because every time I peek in to see how she's doing, she looks at me and says "Go away, Mom."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Olivia's Pick--3 January 2009

My little artist expanding her oeuvre before my very eyes, thanks to Santa's well-honed gift-giving skills. Olivia has moved her art off of the kitchen table and onto her brand new wooden easel from the fabulous Melissa and Doug. In addition to painting, this easel's capabilities have encouraged her to experiment with new mediums, including chalk and dry erase markers. Paint on paper, however, still seems to be her preferred form of artistic expression. By next Christmas, she might be ready for canvas!

Thanks, Santa!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Olivia's Pick--27 December 2008

Giddy and exhausted in our post-holiday denouement, we decided to treat Olivia to her first cinematic experience. We bundled up and headed over to the multiplex, a palace of animated and confectionery wonders in which Olivia had never previously set foot.

She was smitten immediately, giggling with joy as we stepped onto the first of several escalators that would lift us to our destination: the swashbuckling epic film of love, honor, hope and rodents. The Tale of Despereaux.

It is a carefully crafted, lyrically told and gorgeously animated story that held the entire audience (which was largely populated by preschoolers) rapt. Devoid of raunchy, inappropriate jokes that seem so ubiquitous in "children's" movies these days, this film is a real gem that will capture the imagination of the entire family.

And when this full length feature was over and the credits began to roll, Olivia looked up at me and said--you guessed it--"Again?"