Sunday, February 1, 2009

Olivia's Pick--25 January 2009

This weeks's pick is much to this Mama's dismay. My 2 1/2 -year-old, potty-trained little angel has a new and troubling affinity: The pacifier.

Now, I've been told by other Mama's that this phase of regression is normal, and passing. I've been told that it was brought on by the birth of so many sweet babies into families we're close to--none of these babies sweeter than my little tough guy nephew. Seriously, you should see his cheeks.

But I've got to tell you, this new "I'm a baby" phase, complete with wanting a pacifier she never used in the first place, well, it kind of freaks me out.

At present, I'm trying not to make a big deal out of it. We don't have any pacifiers in the house, other than those attached by ribbons to her baby dolls. And I've been encouraging her desire to pretend and play, including indulging her when she asks me to "hold her like a baby," which involves me cradling all 37 inches of her in my arms.

But the pacifier? Really?

I'm hoping that, as other Mamas have predicted, this too shall pass.

I'll let you know.

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