Sunday, January 25, 2009

Olivia's Pick--18 January 2009

It's a strange thing to admit, since I haven't made my home in this part of the country for well over a decade, but I think, based on the big tears she's crying this morning as we finish packing, Olivia's pick this week is Ohio.

I know. Weird, right?

But she's had so much fun here--despite the extremity-numbing cold--that I felt I needed to acknowledge it.

So, here's a very short, incomplete list of some noteworthy Ohio places, institutions or otherwise remarkable locations:

Toledo Museum of Art
Coastal Ohio--Lake Erie
OSU--The state's beloved university (and my baby brother's alma mater)
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame--Like Olivia says, "it's rock & roll, sweetheart!"
The Great Lakes Theater Festival

To be sure, Ohio is the butt of many of my jokes. So I'm taking my cue from Olivia this week, and employing a softer approach. I'm embracing my roots, appreciating my history. And I'm starting right away.

Well, as soon as I get back East, anyway.

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