Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Olivia's Pick--12 July 2009

Olivia and I spent a girls' weekend on the town, living it up in the Big Apple. The weather was perfect. We celebrated a sunny Sunday morning eating our bagels in the park and dog-watching. It was divine.

Being the born New Yorker that she is, Olivia suggested we spend the late morning and early afternoon at the Museum of Natural History.

Dinosaurs and other beasties ruled the day. She was most impressed by the life-size blue whale model and kept asking why it wasn't swimming. It was fun-filled and action-packed to say the very least.

Try as she did to keep the momentum going in the city that never sleeps, she wound up crashing for a monster 3 hour nap in the afternoon, giving Mama some much needed down-time.

On our way back to our little seaside Connecticut town, she looked back from her car seat at the skyline and said, "See you next time, New York!"

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