Monday, November 24, 2008

Olivia's Pick--16 November 2008

Perhaps I will regret this one day, when she's 15 years-old and this particular Pick of the Week somehow surfaces from the depths of this cyber sea and rears its ugly head. But I'm too excited to keep my mouth shut about this.

This week, Olivia's favorite thing is using the "big girl potty." That's right, she has unceremoniously left her diapers behind (except for bedtime) and she is immensely proud of herself.I am beaming with pride as well, but for me, this milestone is bittersweet. My baby is becoming a little girl, and a bigger little girl by the day.

When I brought her home from the hospital, everyone said "It goes so fast, you won't believe it! Cherish every minute." But I'll admit, I had no idea just exactly how fast it goes. Now, I don't want to blink, for fear of missing something.I've read a lot and written some about being a "present parent." And while no Mama can stop herself from being distracted some of the time, I am recommitting myself to this goal.

Because it really does go by so fast, so fast, I can't believe it. And I want to cherish every minute.

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